The Spring Factor: The Truth About Mattress Spring Type and Spring Count

Are you in the market for a new mattress? With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to navigate through the various terminologies and marketing claims. One aspect that often confuses consumers is the type of springs used in mattresses and the significance of spring count. In this blog post, we'll break down the basics and provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision.

Common Types of Springs: Bonnell vs. Pocket

Two common types of springs used in mattresses are Bonnell springs and Pocket springs. Bonnell springs are connected springs that provide distributed support. They are interlinked, which means that when one spring is compressed, it can affect the surrounding springs. Bonnell springs are often more affordable to manufacture, as they require fewer materials and are easier to produce in large quantities. These types of springs are suitable for heavy sleepers who may require more robust support.

On the other hand, Pocket springs are individually pocketed springs that provide individual support and minimize partner disturbance. Each spring is enclosed in its own fabric pocket, allowing it to move independently without affecting the surrounding springs. This can help reduce motion transfer, making Pocket spring mattresses ideal for those who share a bed with a partner and want to minimize disruptions caused by their partner's movements.

It's worth noting that while Pocket springs are often marketed as being superior to Bonnell springs, this is not necessarily true. Both types of springs serve their own purposes and can be suitable for different individuals depending on their preferences and needs.

The Importance of Spring Count and Wire Thickness

Another factor to consider when evaluating mattresses is the spring count, which refers to the number of coils used in the mattress. A higher spring count generally indicates more support and better conformity to the body's contours. However, it's important to note that more coils do not always equate to a better mattress. The spacing between the coils and the thickness of the wire used can also impact the overall performance and durability of the mattress.

Cheaper mattresses with lower spring counts and wider spacing between coils are more prone to sagging over time, which can affect the comfort and support of the mattress. In contrast, mattresses with higher spring counts and coils placed closer together tend to provide better support, minimize sagging, and offer improved durability.

It's also essential to consider the thickness of the wire used in the springs. Thicker wires are generally more durable and provide firmer support, while thinner wires may result in a softer feel. However, thinner wires can also be used in Pocket springs to create a softer mattress or to reduce production costs, which may affect the overall quality and longevity of the mattress.

Debunking Spring Count Marketing Gimmicks

When shopping for mattresses, you may come across marketing claims that boast high spring counts, such as "5000 spring count." However, it's important to understand how these counts are calculated. Some brands may count the turns of the coils, rather than the actual number of coils, which can be misleading. For example, if each coil has five turns and a mattress has 1000 coils, the brand may claim a 5000 spring count. In reality, it's still 1000 coils.

To put it into perspective, consider the analogy of a chair or a table. Both typically have four legs, which is sufficient to provide stability. Adding 40 legs to a chair or table would be unnecessary and excessive. Similarly, a mattress with an appropriate number of coils and reasonable wire thickness can provide ample support without falling for exaggerated spring count claims.

When shopping for a mattress, it's important to be aware of marketing gimmicks that may exaggerate spring counts. Remember that more coils do not always equate to a better mattress if other factors such as coil spacing and wire thickness are compromised. It's also helpful to test out mattresses in person and consult with reputable mattress retailers to ensure you find the right mattress for your specific needs.

In conclusion, the perfect mattress for you is the one that provides the right balance of comfort, support, and durability based on your preferences and requirements. Understanding the types of springs and the significance of spring count can help you make an informed decision and invest in a mattress that will provide you with a restful night's sleep for years to come.

We hope this blog post has shed some light on the mystery of mattress springs and spring count, helping you make a more informed decision when shopping for a new mattress. Make a visit to our KITA Sleep Studio in JB for an educational and honest approach to choosing the perfect mattress. Discover the truth today!